Monday, May 07, 2007

and this is what the batch had to say in reply !


What do we say about a person who is creating a BCG matrix for the yearbook??? The ***HUMAN GOOGLE** of our NMIMS, his fundaas and logics will leave many a spellbound. Self proclaimed PJ king of the batch, in reality his jokes can stop laughter. Future author of the book “1000 things NOT to do when talking to girls.” Is actually a test subject for the research “Things not to eat when boozing”. Can puke at will. Many auto drivers between college and his residence will vouch for it. An extremely knowledgeable person, a fantastic confidant, he is also the quintessential over-enthu guy, also a slogger who works real hard. His uncanny knack to strive under pressure always brings out the best in him. He has the gumption to triumph over his adversities and come out stronger. A nice and a genuine person to know and a friend for keeps.He came, he tried and he changed. Himself, is what we mean here. He worked, then he wanted to work, and finally he learnt..